Thursday, March 22, 2018

Easter Bunny

We are HOPING right from St. Patrick's Day to Easter today on the blog...
hop, did you catch that?!
I took the girls to see The Easter Bunny Sunday at North Point Mall, 50 % of my children loved him, the other 50% hated it, so you know there are some good pics!
Their beautiful dresses where made by Catherine at The Monkey and The Weasel, she always knocks it out of the park!
Love the soft pastel colors!
As you can see, Nicole was NOT a fan of the Easter Bunny but Taylor LOVED him!!
She told him all the things she wanted!!
After seeing the Easter Bunny we took a train ride around the mall, so much fun!
Choo Choo!
Checking out the mall!
So much fun!
After all the fun we stopped by The Great American Cookie Company for 3 HUGE chocolate chip cookies, treats from the mall are always so good!!
Let the Easter Celebrations begin!!

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