Monday, January 14, 2019

Sweet & Sassy and December Fashion

I've noticed both girls hair seems to pretty much grow at the same rate so I try to do their hair cuts at the same time. This time though, poor little Taylor had the flu on the day of her appointment so it was just me and Coco. She did fantastic and was so excited! She kept saying "I want to get sassy!"
Getting ready to get her hair did!
Look at my little girl so big!! She didn't even get upset when brushing out the tangles.
And here is Mrs. Taylor working her magic!
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the cutest of them all?! Coco is!1
Say Cheese!!!
Check out that side braid!
I also wanted to show you some Christmas items I was gifted! This beautiful purple and pink Lilly P dress came from my Hubby, love it!!
No joke, it seems like it has rained everyday for months here in GA!!
What makes a rainy day better, a super cute monogrammed pink rain jacket my Mother in law gifted me with!! Love it!! Even the hood has a monogram.
Working days when the majority of people are off, like NYE can be a little harder, so having a comfy dress and sweater making going into the office much more cozy!
If you have been following me for a while, you know I love seasonal tee's! For January I ordered this super cute monogram snowflake tee from Etsy, I love wearing these on casual Friday's at the office!

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