Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Halloween Kitchen Table & Patio

BOO Ya'll!
Ready for another part of my Halloween tour, can you handle the spookiness?!
Today I wanted to share part of my Halloween kitchen:
I Put a Spell On You!!
This is always one of my favorite spots to decorate!
Nothing really new this season, just some old goodies! All these came from Walmart and I found some black lace to make a table runner in a box!
Halloween is all about the candy right?! So I filled one big glass jar up with assorted chocolates and the other one up with candy corn. And I left out my pumpkin glass container with apple cider!
I always like scrolling thru Pinterest for chalkboard ideas! I thought this would go cute with my hanging spider!
I also hung up a Halloween wreath on the pantry door, this came from Target a few years ago and I stuck up some bats!
Heading outside onto the patio I can't wait to spook you with some new décor from Aunt Judy!
Meet Skully!!! Isn't he a fright with that black coat and orange bow?! He had been sitting in Judy's attic and now has a new home!
And if Skully didn't scare you check out this freaky clown head, he even scares me and I hung him up! Big thanks to Aunt Judy for adding to the Halloween fun!!

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