Monday, June 18, 2018

Church and Taco's on the Patio

Last Sunday Hubby was going to church with me but some plans changes when he needed to go tutor so I ended up taking both girls to big church by myself and it was not awful!
Now, it was not great, but we made it 50 minutes before we had to leave, not to shabby with a 2 year old!
My girls XOXO
Here we are before going into church!
All smiles after church!
Hubby was a sweetheart and surprised me with the new Starbucks Ultimate Caramel Frappuccino and boy is it good!! If you love caramel this is a summer treat for you!
A special treat for us, Mexican food!! It was the perfect night for dining outside, very simple chips, salsa, guacamole, tacos and cheese dip of course!
Dining on the patio, so much fun!!
When you spy a taco XOXO
I hope we all do this :-)

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