Monday, March 26, 2018

Snack Tray & Easter Drink Station

Happy Monday everyone! Hope your day is starting off good, I had a little delay when my car took a while to crank this morning, I think its because it did not run all day Sunday, or maybe it just didn't want to go to work, which I understand!
But it started running and I wasn't too late! Can you believe the Easter Bunny arrives in less then a week, I have been finishing up my Easter décor and I wanted to share my drink station today, but first a great snack cart idea I saw from a friend!
My friend Mary Beth has 5 young boys she packs lunch for and often gets asked how she does it, along with all the other things that go along with FIVE kids! She shared a pic of her snack tray and I thought, I need to be doing this!
I had this old cart in our bathroom closed, it was a chippy white (but not the farmhouse cute type!). I spray painted it with some bronze paint I had in the garage and picked up a bunch of yummy snacks from Walmart...
Here is the after! Nothing too fancy but the perfect height for Nicole and Taylor to reach for any snack they are hungry for, and Hubby too! That Pirate's Booty is SOOOO good! Pick some up if you never had it before!!
To me Easter is all about bright and pastel colors and lots of bunny's! I added this blue runner and changed my Happy Everything attachment to a cute chevron bunny.
The beautiful cross hanging on the light came from my sweet cousin Mindy for my birthday and the bunny basket is Taylor's from Gigi!
I am not a huge fan of Peeps, but I love decorating with them, they are so bright and colorful! I picked these yummy muffins up from the Walmart Bakery, very good!
I drew a new sign on my chalkboard and my beautiful butterfly mugs were a wedding gift from Lenox, so spring like!
Saturday night Hubby and I got to enjoy a fun date night at the Fox to see comedian Eddie B!
My Aunt Karen and Uncle David were so sweet to get the tickets for us, Karen is a teacher along with Hubby, it was one of the best live shows I have seen. The music was pumping, we were all dancing around, Eddie was hilarious and some great special guests!!
Along with David and Karen, Omma was also there!!
She volunteers at The Fox and is a former 2nd grade teacher herself, she loves it and was very helpful, we had AWESOME seats!!! And a BIG thanks to my sweet friend Katie for watching the girls while we were out, she is great and the girls love her!!!

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