Wednesday, January 16, 2019

New Year, New Start

Since its now the middle of January, I figured I better post about our New Year's! As in life, even on the blog I am running behind!! But that is ok :-)
The New Year always brings different things for different people. A lot of the time its a chance to loose weight, or start a goal like being more organizing. Its a time when the Christmas decor comes down and the Christmas bills come in!! But I think most of us are inspired by a new start!
We were open Monday, NYE so I thought this would be the perfect tee for the day, I found it on Ebay for under $15!
That night we ordered some yummy Chinese take out and I pulled out a box of NYE hats and horns I got from Walmart last year! Egg rolls and crab rangoon are my favorite!!
Pajamas ready to pull an all nighter!
Daddy and Taylor are ready to party!
Although we didn't have the traditional NY day food 1/1, we still celebrated a few days later with some ham, hoppin John, cornbread and green bean casserole, delish!
For dessert I made the Memory Making Momma's Chocolate Pound Cake, fantastic!
I was a little nervous about writing this post due to some personal family problems we went thru on NY Day and the days after. I always want to be honest, those 3 days were really hard for me and the girls, it was not at all the way I thought 2019 would start for us. Life can surprise you like that, a lot of the things I do worry about never matter, and the things you never think about, can shake you. Looking back at it now with a little time under my belt, if you are lucky enough like me to have kids, a job, and good family, use that. Lean on them for support, be open and honest so people can understand what you are going thru and be praying for you.
God truly places angels among us, if you ever feel a nudge in your heart follow it and hold tight, its God helping you.
My biggest source of strength is my girls, God game me them to heal and become a stronger person XOXO

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