Thursday, June 20, 2019

VBS & June Decor Around the House

I saw this tweet from a friend of mine and there was so much truth in it, I wanted to share. I know and love many people who deal with depression, its so complex and hard to understand sometimes. But it helps me to think of what it actually is, an illness XOXO
Our summer front porch entrance
Our new guest bathroom floor Hubby did for me!! All with Home Depot Wall Pops!! Just peel and stick!!
I was so proud of my big girl Taylor, she went to VBS for the first time! She was really nervous but agreed to try it one time and loved it!
Blast off into fun!
When we picked her up she said she could not wait to go back!
I have been on a church cookbook kick and this is the best recipe I have done so far, its some of the best brown rice I have ever had!!
Sweet summer time with my little mermaid!
After the pool ice cream!
My summertime tablescape, love all the warm yellow colors!
More yellow and lemons!!! I got this new Pottery Barn blanket when they were recently having a good sale with free shipping, SCORE!
My little chef Taylor made some yummy blueberry cheesecake over Memorial Day, so simple and so good!!


  1. Love all your summertime pretty and bright! Can't wait to see your July 4 Americana!

  2. I’m so glad you are enjoying your PSBC cookbook!! The youth group will love seeing that we made your blog!! 😍

    1. Thank you Amye!!! This was the best brown recipe I have had, we loved it!! Next I am going to try the dessert in a mug!
