Sunday, August 18, 2019

What I wore, The Dentist, Target & A 1st Grade Bible

I found this new tee at Walmart, perfect for a GA girl don't you think?!
This cracked me up, its the phone booth at my office!!
Baked spaghetti is always a yummy dinner, especially when it comes from my Cousin Shirley's church cookbook!
Our sweet girls had their dentist appointment last week and I was blown away about how great they did! Although they were a little scared, they had no tears and great attitudes!!
A trip to Target for some new LOL Dolls and pizza was in order, we had a blast!
Speaking of Target, check out this super cute rainbow wings dress Taylor got, she loves it!!
The girls love it when their sweet friend and neighbor Kayela comes over to play!
While Daddy had a tutoring job we had a picnic in the truck and the girls loved it!! Also, have you tried the new CHF mac and cheese, its delish!!1
Last Sunday our church gave all the 1st graders a new Bible, what a special day!!
I've got the itch already for fall colors and thought this Walmart top was perfect, burnt oranges but short sleeve, comfortable enough to wear in the dog days of August!
Summer evenings at the pool are the best!
Friday night Fro Yo with my big girl!! A perfect treat to keep cool with!

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