Monday, October 2, 2017

Taylor's Birthday

I have gone back and forth thinking if I should blog today or not. As with everyone across our great country we heard the heartbreaking news about the tragedy at the Jason Aldean concert this morning. I know everyone has this on their mind right now and is praying for them all.
I remember my thinking changing after the 9/11 events when I was in college, my sense of security was gone but I also realized when we let fear overtake us and stop us from doing things we love, fear wins. Evil wins and it shouldn't. It won't. Hopefully everyone is a little kinder today, living their life to the fullest. Don't stop doing good and don't let this evil act stop you from living. Blogging about home décor today seemed a little weird, but celebrating my daughter's 5th birthday didn't cause it's worth celebrating. Every day we have with our loved ones is worth celebrating, so here are some pics from my sweet and big girls special day!
Here she is, Ms. Five Year Old!!
She took lots of Trolls cupcakes and Capri Sun's to school that day along with wearing a cool Poppy shirt. Also another cool perk when you turn 5 during fall break, you get to ride the daycare bus on a field trip to the roller skating ring!!!
Her teacher was kind enough to text me some pictures of her class party!
One of her sweet friends!
Then her big moment came, the opening of her present....
The PJ Masks Headquarters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She had been wanting this SOOOO much!!!
Pure Happiness XOXO

This best gift I ever got was this girl 5 years ago, she is totally awesome and my pride and joy. She makes me a better person and I am lucky to be her Mommy XOXO
Happy 5th Birthday Taylor, we love you!!!

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